You are a Chimpanzee (ENTP)!

You are an extremely clever individual—sometimes, too clever for your own good. Reckless in experimentation and completely dismissive of social convention, you relish any opportunity to demonstrate to those “normal” people just how different you really are. Hobbies? You have plenty. Interests? You have many. Opinions? You voice those at a lightning quick pace, always wanting to get the last word. You’re easily distracted, but it’s astounding what inventive projects you’re capable of when you remain focused.
Want to learn more about your type?
Buy The Power of Personality by Eric Gee!
Buy The Power of Personality by Eric Gee!
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Your Deviant Role
Take the purest ideal of your type, and twist it until it’s nothing more than a gnarled monstrosity of human pathos. That is your Deviant Role.