The Humpback Whale – INFP

The eyes that appear to be staring intently at nothing in particular, the quiet strength found in the bending but not breaking tremor of their voice, these are the marked traits of the Humpback Whale. From the outside, these reserved individuals are hard to distinguish from their Panda siblings—they’re even hard to distinguish sometimes from their distant cousin, the Hunter Butterfly. But upon speaking with a Humpback Whale, especially on a topic that matters to them, you’ll find that the illusion quickly dissipates, and that timid, distant space cadet you initially thought was a dwarf star has now exploded into a full-on supernova.

The Old Soul

Anne Frank

I need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to! I don’t want to have lived in vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met.

– Anne Frank

It always seems like Humpback Whales know more than we do and infinitely more than they let on. Perhaps it’s because they’re not tethered to society as so many of us are… Preorder The Power of Personality to learn more!

The Dreamer

Grady Tripp

As for me, I lost everything: my wife, my book, my job, everything that I thought was important. But I finally knew where I wanted to go.

– Grady Tripp, Wonder Boys

The most disconnected of all the Shamans, a Humpback Whale lives a fantasy-filled childhood that usually extends to their life as an adult… Preorder The Power of Personality to learn more!

The Outcast


The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.

– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The easiest way to distinguish a Humpback Whale from the Giant Panda, the other reserved Shaman, is their noticeable disregard for societal norms such as the education system, typical nuclear family values, and conventional standards of fashion and beauty… Preorder The Power of Personality to learn more!

The “Hero”

Joan of Arc

I do not fear the soldiers, for my road is made open to me… It was for this that I was born!

– Joan of Arc

One of the more intriguing facts about Humpback Whales is that they’re the archetype for the mythological hero. They are who Joseph Campbell was writing about in The Hero with a Thousand Faces—though there are plenty more than a thousand Humpback Whales walking amongst us… Preorder The Power of Personality to learn more!


  • Infp girl says:

    What are the names of the two last movies of the infp shown on your idealists video please?
    Btw is there a youtube version of that vid?

  • Anne Frank is usually typed as ENFP.

    • INTPchick says:

      An ENFP would never bother to write in a diary :/

      • Welp, she was alive in WWII so that’s a bit of a reason maybe I don’t know

  • Whenever and wherever i take the test i get INTP but looking back at when i was in school i definitly can see myself has an INFP, i think my own pre-conceptions about people and paranoia played a major role in me being bullied and vulnerable.

    • Hi Anonymous,

      Abstract-minded individuals (Rationals and Idealists) do often feel left out of our social structure. On the surface, Owls and Humpback Whales can appear similar, but they often desire very different things. I recommend reading the description of Rationals (one of which is an Owl-INTP) and Idealists (one of which is a Humpback Whale-INFP) to ascertain which one you are closest to.

  • I am generally an enfp but I am confused as to whether I am. Every other test I get infp bar the 16personalities website where I get 3% into extroversion.

    • Hi Rachel,

      Try not to look at it through the dichotomy of either “E” or “I”. The differences between a Baboon and a Humpback Whale often manifest themselves in very different ways. Do you find yourself to be naturally aggressive? How quickly do you tend to make friends? At your worst, are you self loathing? Or are you reckless with the way that you push the ideas that you believe in (a side question is: do these ideas change often?)?

  • Im an ENFP but I got INFP… slightly accurate and I have gotten INFP before but I’ll stick with ENFP

  • The problem with this is that the words I chose to associate with my personality were things I desire to see in other people and myself. In reality, my actions turned out to be different from what I want to achieve in myself. The problem is, I don’t usually see this until I go back and reflect on events in my life, as well as the way I do things or solve problems.

    I got the Humpback Whale, though through reflecting on what I’ve done, thought and felt so far, I feel more like the Owl. In previous tests, I’ve often been placed as an INTP, or an INTJ when I’m depressed.

    I get that this test is attempting to find people’s “true” MBTI type, but the result I got feels so off because I have no idea how to describe my personality with words: it’s always been easier to rank my preferences, as they do in other tests.

    This all so sounds unclear, but maybe I can’t articulate myself well. As a fluent English speaker in a mostly non-English speaking area of my country, my former teachers always gave me creative writing tasks. In high school, I wanted to quit and write for a living because I’d been doing it all my life. I tried it; however, I felt horribly out of place. Later, I found myself employed in a call center with a technical and impersonal job that I would never have considered as a student. I found myself flourishing under the pressures and the demand to constantly learn new policies and techniques. Although surrounded by many in a service job where I spoke to hundreds of people, I never felt like my brain was being prodded violently with a fork. My being placed as an INFP in this test reminds me of when I was desperately trying to conform to how I was expected to be as a child. Even the Spider would have felt like a more comfortable fit than the Humpback Whale.

    I don’t mean to be so personal here; I just hope that my input will be of some use to your project.

  • Hey the videos you make are great! I shared them on a mbti Facebook group that I am apart of. Hope they enjoy them too. I’m an infp and always felt a kindred spirit to like Skywalker

  • I benefited very much from this information. I took the test openly, not knowing what to expect, and was really surprised to see that I am still an INFP!

  • “The easiest way to distinguish a Humpback Whale from other reserved NFs is their noticeable disregard for societal norms such as the education system, typical nuclear family values.”

    Jesus, Muhammad and Hitler were NF.

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