What is more archetypal than the proverbial ice queen? An actual ice queen. Perhaps the most recognized figure in modern Disney lore, Princess Elsa’s personality type stands out in the light of day. Here’s an excuse to sing along – as you practice your typing skills, of course.
Need a hint?Answer:
I disagree with the video placing her as a rational. Her power comes from her emotion, her feelings. Yes, all types have feelings, but an NT’s main strength is their mind. Elsa’s emotions are powerful and she is aware of how much they can harm others, so she pretends to not feel as much, she pretends to be an NT. No matter how much she tries, though, her emotions always get through her defenses. In order to prevent harm to others she isolates herself and finally allows herself to feel, now that she thinks she cannot hurt anyone. The song, “Let it go” is all about her, as an INFJ, finally ending the charade and accepting that she isn’t the unfeeling logical person that everyone expects her to be. That moment is a very important one in the life of every INFJ. Notice when Anna tries to bring her back and tells her that the kingdom is frozen, Elsa starts to have an emotional breakdown along with an anxiety attack. Not very “Rational” of her, is it? However, it is very much an INFJ reaction. I’m not sure why so many people seem to mistype her, but she is very definitely INFJ.
Hello Chandler,
I know that I have already responded to this comment by email, but it was brought to my attention that it might seem like I’m ignoring thoughtful responses from our readership if I don’t also reply in the comments section here. My response (the somewhat truncated version):
Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
The goal of our site is to advance, and hopefully improve/modify ideas on temperament past
the dichotomy of E vs. I, etc. and the sometimes arbitrary
applicability of function types.
I do think that Rationals often get typecast as brilliant, cold
intellectuals, and of course, Elsa is a symbol for that archetype-
very loosely based on Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”. In my experience,
INTJs are incredibly warm and caring people, and the fact that they’re
not always aware of how to express their love- hence the
aforementioned stereotype- is quite tragic (one of the many INTJ
contradictions mentioned in the portrait of the Spider). They often
think that they can master their passions through control, which of
course, narratively speaking, usually results in their efforts blowing
up in their face. Another perfect example of this is Dr. William
Masters (“Masters of Sex”).
I believe we are all emotional and logical creatures, and that the T
vs. F dichotomy doesn’t necessarily manifest itself one way or
another, at least not all of the time. When it comes down to it,
regardless of whether she’s emotional or logical, feeling or thinking,
Elsa seeks control above all else, and the irony of “Let it go” is
that it’s not a message of emotional expression as much as an
acceptance of power and control- the musical number centers around her
letting her powers loose, creating a structure of her own design, and
accepting who she is.
Rationals are probably the most common type to have anxiety attacks
driven by guilt, especially NTJs, for whom control is such a
necessity, and the power to avoid pain is assumed. He’s an ENTP, but
Ironman is a good example.
On the flip side, INFJs, just like ENFJs, tend to suffer from anxiety
attacks brought upon by a lack of confidence. Elsa doesn’t really lack
confidence. She doesn’t have a persecution complex- common with INFJ
Pandas- as she’s decided to isolate herself. INFJs, despite their
understandable distrust with “S” society, rarely isolate themselves
from it; NFs are “people” people after all.
Thanks again for reading and commenting; good debate is always fun and informative.