Reflections Relationships Self-improvement

Unveiling The Power of Personality: A Conversation with Dr. Chris Loo

Written by Eric Gee

Had a great interview (I was the guest, hence me talking so/too much) with Dr. Chris Loo. Chris is a retired physician who is now dedicating his life to helping those who, in his words, feel…

unfulfilled and ready for a life they are proud to wake up to every day. 

His story is such a great reminder that we hold the power to our own happiness. We just have to be brave enough to wield it. Read the interview HERE!

A video snippet:

About the author

Eric Gee

Eric Gee has administered personality-based life coaching for more than twenty years. He built a successful education company that used his personality typing method to better the lives of more than twenty thousand students, parents, and teachers. As creator of The Youtopia Project and the Youtopia 16 assessment, he has disseminated his method to over half a million users since the website’s creation in 2016.

His upcoming book, The Power of Personality, is the culmination of decades of research and application for the Youtopia Project, insights honed by personality typing upwards of fifty thousand people throughout his career.

Eric graduated from UCLA, where he studied English literature and screenwriting. Coincidentally, he’s also a classically trained pianist, backyard-trained barbecue dilettante, three-time fantasy football champion, professional mentor, and amateur magician. He owns Youtopia Creative, a shared creative workspace in Los Angeles ( where he dispenses life coaching ( as well as an inordinate amount of 90s pop culture references.

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