Typical New Year’s resolutions always focus on external things (saving more money, eating less fried food, etc.), but what about the things inside of us? You know, those scary things that require extra resolve to change?
Turns out, they’re a lot like Stephen King’s It, different horrors for different people. But unlike It, you don’t need to partake in a pre-teen bukkake session (seriously, King made some creative choices in 1986) to exorcize your demons.
Just do one thing this year:
Stag (ESTJ)
Once-a-week, admit when you don’t know something and acknowledge that as the reason why you’re deferring responsibility and control.
Beaver (ISTJ)
The moment you start worrying about something that has a one percent chance of happening, tell yourself that there’s a ninety-nine percent chance that it’s all in your head.
Elephant (ESFJ)
Spend one day a month by yourself without thinking about family or friends.
Bear (ISFJ)
The next time someone insults a loved one, let it slide. The next time someone insults you, rain hellfire on them and their loved ones.
Fox (ESTP)
Listen a little more, lie a little less (not including a loophole for “white lies”).
Shark (ISTP)
Tell people how you feel. Seriously.
Peacock (ESFP)
Read a book without any pictures.
Butterfly (ISFP)
Schedule a regular game night with friends where you only play strategy games with elaborate instructions.
Dolphin (ENFJ)
Make sure the amount of time you actually spend with friends versus texting or on social media is at a ratio of 5 to 1.
Panda (INFJ)
Adopt the mantra that “it’s better to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission”—and stick to it even when the guilt has you scared out of your mind.
Baboon (ENFP)
Out of the ten unfinished/un-started projects bouncing around in your brain, start three, save seven for next year, and do not, for any reason, switch a project from one list to the other.
Humpback Whale (INFP)
Find a community of like-minded individuals that you can hang out with regularly.
Killer Whale (ENTJ)
Every time you stop to think about how others might perceive you, say three things out loud about your life that make you happy.
Spider (INTJ)
Every day, treat yourself to something that is both impractical and ephemeral.
Chimpanzee (ENTP)
Owl (INTP)
Spend one day out of the week without your phone or the internet.