
Romantic Profiles of Guardians- Sneak Peek

When you’re a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates. My kids are gonna be right about that.

-Pam Beesly, The Office

Ever feel like a Pam Beesley waiting for your Jim Halpert? Or are you just trying to understand that weird person at work who keeps winking at you?

At, you can read descriptions of the romantic tendencies of different personality types, as well as meet other MBTI enthusiasts, so you can navigate the world from a personality-aware perspective.

Here is a sneak peek at the romantic descriptions of the guardians to get you started!

The Stag (ESTJ)
What are your career ambitions? What’s your educational background? What’s your FICA score?…

On the hunt:
The social scene is a habitat in which Stags feel eminently comfortable…

The Beaver (ISTJ)
It might be one of life’s saddest ironies that Beavers, the type most likely to have an encyclopedic knowledge of rules and regulations, often find themselves fumbling and stumbling when it comes to the laws of attraction…

On the hunt:
Beavers can’t seem to avoid the perception that they are serious, overly cautious killjoys…

The Elephant (ESFJ)
The undisputed champions of the social game, Elephants, quite similar to practitioners of that other sweet science, know that love is a game of styles and matchups, and who better to take advantage of this then the person who knows everything about everybody?…

On the hunt:
Unlike Foxes and Peacocks, Elephants don’t view socializing as some sort of thrill-seeking endeavor…

The Bear (ISFJ)
Soft-spoken, kind, and fiercely loyal, Bears have earned their reputations as the gentle protectors of the ones they love…

On the hunt:
Ever need a wingman? How about a beard?…

Read the full MBTI romantic profiles of SPs, SJs, and NTs (NFs on their way!) by signing up at

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